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Now Available!
175th Anniversary St. Thomas Calendar and Pictorial History for 2017

The all-new St. Thomas 2017 Calendar and Pictorial History in celebration of our 175th anniversary is now on sale! This 28-page full-color calendar features more than 70 rare archival photos from our parish's amazing history, plus a history of the church and key dates throughout the year.

Printed in full-color on high-quality stock, this calendar makes a wonderful gift for almost anyone in your life. The price is just $15. All proceeds will benefit the preservation of St. Thomas, as well as our many community outreach programs. And when 2017 is over, you'll want to save your own copy for reflection, prayer and historical reading.

Quantities are limited, so don't delay! To order your copy of this very special pictorial history and calendar, please, call (269) 965-2244 or order below.

"A Sacred Sampler" Music CD:
Now Available for Purchase!

If you enjoy beautiful choral music, we invite you to purchase a copy of our all-new CD entitled, "A Sacred Sampler." All proceeds will benefit the St. Thomas Choir. You'll get 22 wonderful tracks of live choral music recorded at St. Thomas and two other sacred venues.
Makes a great Christmas gift for the music lovers in your live! (See details and music list.

To purchase your copy or copies online with a major credit card  (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex)
click the button below. You may also send a check order by mail by clicking here.


We invite you to support the ongoing work of St. Thomas in our community. To donate online, select a donation category below, enter a special note if you'd like, then click on the "Give Now" button below. A new checkout window will appear. "Item Price" = Enter the amount of your donation. Thank you!


10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong

(First Sunday of the month)

Services are live-streamed on YouTube and Facebook. 


Monday through Friday

Morning Prayer at 9:00 a.m. &

Evening Prayer at 5:00 p.m.
in the chapel

Wednesday Eucharist
Noon in the chapel

Services are live-streamed

on the St. Thomas Facebook page.


(269) 965-2244

16 E. Van Buren St.

Battle Creek, Michigan 49017

See map.


Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m.

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