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The Rev. Michael Spencer
Michael has served as rector of St. Thomas since October, 2024. In the short time he has been with us, he has enjoyed getting to know the Battle Creek community and the people and ministries of St. Thomas!
Prior to service at St. Thomas, Michael was Canon for Transitions and Congregational Ministry in the Diocese of Southern Ohio, Assisting Clergy at St. Christopher's Episcopal Church in Grand Blanc, and Canon to the Ordinary in the Diocese of Eastern Michigan, which is where he was ordained.
Michael received the Master of Divinity degree from Church Divinity School of the Pacific and has a B.A. from Michigan State University, where he later worked in the Human Resources department before ordination.
Michael has served the Episcopal Church as a member of the Board for Transition Ministry, a four-time deputy to the General Convention, a member of the Commission on Ministry, a diocesan youth ministry leader, and served a year in the Episcopal Service Corps.

The Rev. Trish Harris
Trish has been a “life-long” social worker, primarily working with women and families in crisis. She has learned so much about life from the people she has met along the way.
In 2022 Trish was ordained a vocational deacon for The Episcopal Church. She loves the people of Battle Creek and finds great joy in being the deacon for St. Thomas.
Trish is called to be out in the community. She coordinates the St. Thomas Laundry Love ministry, volunteers at the Share Center and the Ministry with Community in Kalamazoo and offers pastoral care to the St. Thomas parish and to the community.
Trish believes that The Church is much wider than a church building and strives to find the sacred in the ordinary.
Trish loves poetry and out of the box thinking. New challenges excite her!
Trish is married to a lovely, spiritual man, who teaches Hebrew and builds boats. Pets, adult children and grandchildren are adored by Trish and Cary. It is a life filled with abundant joy!
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