Harvest Fest Potluck
A Collection and Fellowship Potluck for those in the Community
A fifth Sunday potluck will also serve as an opportunity to bring winter items for the homeless and veterans in the community.
Donated items will be passed onto the SHARE Center and the Stand Down Event.
Dates: Sunday, September 29th
Time: After 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Place: St. Thomas Parish Hall
Requested Items:
Winter hats, gloves and scarves
Long underwear
Hygiene Items
Lip Balm
No socks please.

Cash is also welcome for both events. If you want to write a check, please write it to St. Thomas and put "Deacon's Discretionary Fund" in the memo line. That way, Trish can order items in bulk.
"The Stand Down" is a term from times of war to give respite to exhausted combat units. This event is giving respite to exhausted homeless and at-risk veterans.